
Transforming waste plastic into an alternative fuel

(PhysOrg.com) -- Northeastern engineering students and faculty researcher collaborate on prototype of apparatus that could drive electric power plants without fossil fuels.

UC-Led Team Shows How Bacterial Community Evolves

(PhysOrg.com) -- An international team led by a University of Cincinnati researcher has shown how a bacterial community evolves to survive hostile host defenses in the body.

Odd Mosaic of Dental Features Reveals Undocumented Primate

(PhysOrg.com) -- It's in the teeth. An odd mosaic of dental features recently unearthed in northern Egypt reveals a previously undocumented, highly-specialized primate called Nosmips aenigmaticus that lived in Africa nearly ...

UQ Physics boosts the signal

(PhysOrg.com) -- University of Queensland physicists have demonstrated a novel solution to the problem of information degradation when amplifying signals at the quantum information level.

NASA Captures Night Infrared View of Gulf Oil Spill

(PhysOrg.com) -- A May 7 nighttime infrared image of the Gulf oil spill from an instrument on NASA's Terra spacecraft provides a different perspective on the oil slick nearing the Gulf coast.

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