
Greece suffering from widespread polluting

A Greek government report says the tendency of the nation's manufacturers to discharge largely unprocessed toxic wastes is irreversibly damaging waterways.

Study explores mysteries of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest mountain with some intriguing mysteries that are just now being solved after more than 100 years of scientific study.

Informal 'quotas' are common, study shows

Affirmative action is just one example of a much more pervasive and deeply rooted human tendency to even out the numbers of people from different social categories, according to University of Michigan researchers.

Islands spark accelerated evolution

The notion of islands as natural test beds of evolution is nearly as old as the theory itself. The restricted scale, isolation, and sharp boundaries of islands create unique selective pressures, often to dramatic effect. ...

IBM Makes First Cell Computer Generally Available

IBM today announced that it is making its first computing system based on the Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) generally available on a global basis, with early adopters such as University of Manchester, RapidMind, Inc. and ...

Trenches create memory space

The requirements are tightening up. Computers are having to become more and more efficient. A new technology boosts memory capacity: etching the silicon wafer creates deep trenches that increase its capacity to store data.

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