
Ground broken on Nevada solar plant

Ground was broken for the construction of a 300-acre solar power plant in Boulder City, Nev., expected to meet the power demands of about 40,000 households.

Media publicity best for drug warnings

A Bristol University study shows media coverage concerning a drug's adverse reactions is much more effective than official regulatory announcements.

Study: Patients often don't report pain

A Rochester, Minn., study finds more than 20 percent of people with chronic pain don't seek medical help, suggesting many have unmet pain care needs.

Briefs: Big wireless TV announcement expected

Europe's first nationwide cell-phone television service was expected to be announced Monday. The Financial Times said Microsoft, BT and Virgin Mobile were teaming up to launch the service around the middle of the year that ...

Theft of a million stars

Using ESO's Very Large Telescope, a team of Italian astronomers reveal the troubled past of the stellar cluster Messier 12 – our Milky Way galaxy ‘stole’ close to one million low-mass stars from it.

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