
The Mathematics of Natural Motion

Circles, slaloms, figure eights, and loop-the-loops – biologists studying the motion of Listeria monocytogenes sensed that these paths were related, but they didn’t have a good way to define what fit in and what didn’t. ...

Hens change sex behaviour to outfox males

Hens solicit sex in the morning in male-dominated groups of chickens to avoid an evening of sexual harassment from amorous cockerels, according to new research.

Hubble Telescope Finds Ring of Dark Matter

US astronomers on Tuesday presented the most solid proof yet of the existence of dark matter, a mysterious substance believed to make up more than a quarter of the universe.

Making days longer than 24 hours

People at a research hospital in Boston have been living 24-hour, 39-minute days. They were part of an experiment to show that the 24-hour human sleep-wake cycle can be adapted to other biological rhythms like the longer ...

Food and drink, and what it says about us

What did the Vikings eat for supper? How good were the grocers in Roman Pompeii? What was it like feasting with the Greeks in the second millennium BC? How can this tell us why we like TV dinners today?

DHS Employees Sue TSA over Lost Hard Drive

A class action lawsuit claims that the loss of 100,000 records of employees at Department of Homeland Security constitutes a breach of the Privacy Act.

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