
Cosmic turbulences result in star and black hole formation

Just how stars and black holes in the Universe are able to form from rotating matter is one of the big questions of astrophysics. What we do know is that magnetic fields figure prominently into the picture. However, our current ...

Huge owls need huge trees

A study spearheaded by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Minnesota has shown that the world's largest owl—and one of the rarest—is also a key indicator of the health of some of the last great primary ...

Shining stem cells reveals how our skin is maintained

All organs in our body rely on stem cells in order to maintain their function. The skin is our largest organ and forms a shield against the environment. New research results from BRIC, University of Copenhagen and Cambridge ...

Scientists reveal how deadly Ebola virus assembles

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have discovered the molecular mechanism by which the deadly Ebola virus assembles, providing potential new drug targets. Surprisingly, the study showed that the same molecule ...

New model helps universities map their nitrogen footprint

The first institution-level model to estimate the amount of reactive nitrogen released into the environment—a contributor to smog, acid rain, and climate change—is enabling the University of Virginia to quantify its nitrogen ...

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