
Unusual soybean coloration sheds a light on gene silencing

Today's soybeans are typically golden yellow, with a tiny blackish mark where they attach to the pod. In a field of millions of beans, nearly all of them will have this look. Occasionally, however, a bean will turn up half-black, ...

Portugal, a country helplessly prone to forest fires

As the temperature began to soar across the Iberian peninsula last week, everyone knew it was only a matter of time before fires started—they've become a summer fixture. But this time they came with a vengeance, one in ...

Deadly heatwaves will continue to rise, study finds

Seventy-four percent of the world's population will be exposed to deadly heatwaves by 2100 if carbon gas emissions continue to rise at current rates, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change. Even if emissions ...

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