
The future: Energy produced by pet poop?

San Francisco has become the first U.S. city to consider turning dog poopies into methane, which can heat homes, cook meals and generate electricity.

Tiny devices to feed advances in food safety and quality

Laboratory testing of agricultural produce in the wake of the food scares of the 1990s has made the food on European dinner tables safer than ever before. But, say a team of researchers, an even better job could be done by ...

MIT thinks small to find safer metals

MIT researchers have devised a new method for shrinking the size of crystals to make safer metal alloys. The new materials could replace metal coatings such as chromium, which is dangerous for factory workers to produce.

Study: Gorillas also have culture

U.S. scientists reportedly have identified the hallmark of culture -- behavior passed on by social rather than genetic influences -- among gorillas.

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