
Genome analysis pins down arrival and spread of first Americans

The original Americans came from Siberia in a single wave no more than 23,000 years ago, at the height of the last Ice Age, and apparently hung out in the north - perhaps for thousands of years - before spreading in two distinct ...

Detecting disease in beef cattle using ear tag units

A smartphone switches its orientation from portrait to landscape depending on how it's tilted. A car's airbags inflate when it senses collision forces. By detecting earth's vibrations, a computer can measure the magnitude ...

World mayors at Vatican urge 'bold climate agreement'

Mayors from around the world declared Tuesday that climate change is real, man-made and must be stopped as a matter of moral imperative, gathering at the Vatican to announce new measures to fight global warming and bask in ...

Fertile corals discovered in deeper waters off US Virgin Islands

Researchers discovered a threatened coral species that lives in deeper waters off the U.S. Virgin Islands is more fertile than its shallow-water counterparts. The new study showed that mountainous star corals (Orbicella faveolata) ...

Exploring evolution via electric fish hybrid zone

Michigan State University is using a $700,000 National Science Foundation grant to study how electric fish signals evolve, research that could offer insights into the evolution of new species.

Apple online music and shops stumble

Apple's online shop and recently launched streaming music service stumbled on Tuesday, experiencing outages as the company was poised to release quarterly earnings figures.

A handy field guide to the nearshore marine fishes of Alaska

Most people can recognize themselves in a childhood photo. But if fish took pictures, many would be unable to pick their younger selves out of a lineup. In many species, the juveniles bear little resemblance to the adults, ...

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