
Mars' Molten Past

Mars was covered in an ocean of molten rock for about 100 million years after the planet formed, researchers from the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas, UC Davis, and NASA's Johnson Space Center have found. ...

The early relatives of flowering plants

The emergence of flowering plants is regarded as a major botanical mystery. In today’s edition of the scientific magazine Nature, an international research team with participation from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) ...

Flip-Flopping Gene Expression Can Be Advantageous

One gene for pea pod color generates green pods while a variant of that gene gives rise to the yellow-pod phenotype, a feature that helped Gregor Mendel, the 19th century Austrian priest and scientist, first describe genetic ...

Dig yields shrine to Roman twins' she-wolf

The shrine where ancient Romans worshiped the she-wolf who nursed Rome's mythical founding twins, Romulus and Remus, may have been found, archaeologists said.

Canada awards $1.1M for energy projects

The Canadian government is investing in solar energy, awarding $1.1 million for projects promoting photovoltaic and solar thermal power technologies.

Preserve established for bonobos

Congo has established a rain-forest preserve to protect the bonobo from deforestation and poachers, government officials said.

Probing the nurseries of miniature planetary systems

New research led by a University of St Andrews astronomer has found evidence for what might be the raw material for the beginning of shrunken versions of our solar system - miniature worlds in the making.

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