
Falling onto the dark

ESO's VLT (Very Large Telescope) has helped scientists to discover a large primordial 'blob', more than 10 billion light-years away. The most likely scenario to account for its existence and properties is that it represents ...

Biodiesel fuel use growing steadily

Biodiesel fuel, a renewable energy source, is beginning to integrate into the U.S. farming and trucking industries, the San Francisco Chronicle says.

India starts media outsourcing services

India's barrage into the global service sector continues to extend, most recently to include an offering of media-based services.

Analysts: PC manufacturers can do better

The annual rate of PC hardware failure is down, but manufacturers can do better, technology analysis firm Gartner found in a study released over the weekend.

Washington has new bounce in its step

Pedestrians in a section of the nation's capital may notice a new bounce in their step as Washington experiments with rubber sidewalks.

Robots to do household work in S. Korea

Approximately 1,000 families in Seoul will use remote-controlled robots to perform household chores this fall, the Korea Times reports.

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