
Turning on cell-cell communication wipes out staph biofilms

University of Iowa researchers have succeeded in wiping out established biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus (staph) by hijacking one of the bacteria's own regulatory systems. Although the discovery is not ready for clinical ...

Graphene-based gadgets may be just years away

Researchers at The University of Manchester have produced tiny liquid crystal devices with electrodes made from graphene – an exciting development that could lead to computer and TV displays based on this technology.

Obama, Bill Clinton have common ground

The Democratic primary contest may have placed them on opposing sides, but presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton have more in common than their voter party registration cards.

How deep is Europe?

The Earth's crust is, on global average around 40 kilometres deep. In relation to the total diameter of the Earth with approx. 12800 kilometres this appears to be rather shallow, but precisely these upper kilometres of the ...

Physicists Build a Quantum Gambling Machine

Quantum gambling machines may not be popping up at futuristic casinos any time soon, but the devices could have other uses – such as enabling physicists to study game theory in situations where cheating is impossible.

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